Wonder why we have the readings we have each Sunday?

Have you ever wondered why we have the readings we have each Sunday? Why this reading and not that one? Is there a connection between the 1st reading, Psalm, 2nd reading, and the Sunday Gospel? These are questions that I hadn’t thought about until they were brought to my attention in conversation and classes.

For example, the First Reading this weekend (the 4th Sunday in Lent) is from the Book of Joshua. It briefly mentions the Israelites’ initial entrance into the Promised Land and the official end of the Exodus journey, led by Moses. Why this passage from Joshua, Chapter 5? During the liturgical season of Lent, the readings for the Sunday Mass are chosen for a different reason than, say, Sunday Masses during Ordinary Time. During Lent, the 1st reading brings to our minds and memories the great history of Salvation where God begins by choosing Abraham to be the “Father in faith” of His people, Israel. Each successive Sunday in Lent, the 1st reading gives an account of some monumental moment in Salvation History so as to “move us along” and have us recount the Story of Salvation that will ultimately culminate in the Paschal Triduum, the 3 most sacred and holy days of the Liturgical Year.

What about the 1st readings on Sunday’s during Ordinary Time? The 1st readings on Sundays in Ordinary Time are almost always chosen so as to “connect” with the Gospel for that Sunday. The Gospel reading is meant to show how Jesus fulfills or brings to perfection the history of the people of Israel in the Old Testament (first reading). This “connection” between the 1st reading and the Gospel reading is what is referred to as typology.

The Second Reading is usually from one of St. Paul’s Letters to particular Churches that he visited, wrote to, or both. Generally speaking, the Second reading gives a moral teaching and exhortation. These Second readings are usually not chosen so as to “connect” typologically with the 1st reading and Gospel reading.

Finally, the Psalm, is usually meant to be a “bridge” between the 1st Reading and Gospel reading. It re-emphasizes the “connection” between the 1st reading and Gospel reading through speaking to the heart in song and praise.

May we grow ever closer to the Word made flesh, Jesus our Savior, through the Scriptures and in the Eucharist, as we journey toward His Paschal Mystery.

Fr. Ryan


St. Luke's is a young Catholic Church in Ankeny, Iowa. We're located at 1102 NW Weigel Drive.