What happens when a Pope dies?

As I write this, the Holy Father is sick, and I have been reading daily updates about his health and how he is doing, so if something has changed after I submit this, just know that it was written on Ash Wednesday. So, why do I bring this up? I have had a couple of people ask what happens when a Pope dies? The papal chief of staff (Camerlengo) is the one who will be notified and he is the one in charge of everything at that point. He is the one who will certify that the Pope has passed away. Just like most things in the Church there is a ceremony for it. The Holy Father’s name is called out three times and if there is no response, then the death certificate is authorized. There are also stories that in the past, while calling out his name he was tapped in the head by a small silver hammer, but that does not take place any longer. After the certification, the papal seal and ring are taken by the Camerlengo, which are later destroyed in front of the College of Cardinals. The public is notified through the cardinal vicar of Roman Diocese. The Camerlengo then seals the papal apartment and offices to protect the private documents of the Pope as well as to signify the end of the Pope’s rule. There is then a nine-day period of mourning and there are Masses celebrated for the late Holy Father. The body of the Pope will then be laid out in St. Peter’s Basilica so that people can come and pay their respects. By tradition, the body of the Pope is not embalmed, and the funeral Mass is held in St. Peters between the fourth and the sixth day, which he will then be buried in a triple coffin in the crypt of St. Peters.

After the funeral, 15 days after the death of the Pope, the conclave is convened with the College of Cardinals and all Cardinals under the age of 80 are eligible to vote. It is held in the Sistine Chapel and there are strict security and rules that govern the conclave. The chapel is scanned for electronic devices at least three times a day and the Cardinals are not supposed to be in contact with the outside world. They begin each session with prayer and there are usually multiple rounds of voting that happen, a two-thirds majority is required. After each inconclusive vote, the ballots are mixed with a chemical and burned so that black smoke comes out of the chimney. If there are many inconclusive votes, then they take a day of prayer before they begin to vote again. If the conclave lasts more than three days, the Cardinals are only allowed one meal a day to quicken the process and if it goes past five days they are allowed only bread and water. Once a Pope is elected, the ballots are burned with a chemical that produces white smoke. The one elected is then asked if he would be willing to serve and then asked of his Papal name. He then goes to the Room of Tears, changes into a white cassock and is introduced on the balcony by the senior Cardinal Deacon who declares Habemus Papam, we have a Pope.


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