Marriage, Divorce and Prayer

This weekend we hear the readings relating to marriage and divorce. I know that this can be a very emotional topic. I know that we do have many people in the parish that have been involved or affected by divorce and I do pray for healing for people who have been affected. Within the Catholic Church, we do teach what Jesus tells us in the Gospel this weekend. When Jesus is asked about whether or not it was lawful for a husband to divorce his wife, he responds that Moses allowed it because of the hardness of our hearts. But then he goes into bringing in the book of Genesis and tells us that God made us male and female and that we shall be joined as husband and wife, and that the two shall no longer be two, but one in flesh, and what God has joined, men must not separate.

When I do a wedding, I usually issue a challenge to the couple that they will be joined as one, and that they each have a new mission, and that is to get their spouse to heaven. I also recommend that one of the best ways to do that is to pray with each other and for each other. I was reading a study a while back and it discussed divorce rates, but I cannot seem to find the study again. It stated that the average divorce rate in the US is roughly 45%, of which, 40% are first marriages, and subsequent marriages are higher. Catholic marriages were slightly lower, but the single statistic that stood out that strengthened a marriage is when a couple actively prays together, this means something beyond Mass (or other service for non-Catholics) and prayers before meals, but couples that sit down and pray with each other at other times. Couples who did this on a regular basis had a 2% divorce rate. That was a staggering number for me. I almost always mention this to couples that I am preparing for marriage.

So, here is my recommendation, if you and your spouse are not doing this, find a way to do it! Inviting God into your marriage will only help you to strengthen it. If you are not married, and are discerning marriage, pray for your future spouse. If, however, you are divorced, and would like more information on the annulment process, either Fr Ryan or myself would be happy to talk to you about the process. I pray every day for strong marriages and families.

God bless,
Fr. Ken


St. Luke's is a young Catholic Church in Ankeny, Iowa. We're located at 1102 NW Weigel Drive.