Where He Is Calling Us

This weekend is Vocation Awareness Weekend. This weekend was chosen because the readings at Mass are based on Jesus the Good Shepherd, the one who cares for the sheep, us, no matter what. When we hear the word vocation, we often think of what job we do or want to do, but in the Church, we often think of the vocation to priesthood. The word vocation is not simply about what we do for a job, it is about how we live our lives out. Most people in the Church are called to the vocation of the married life, but others are called to the single life, some to the religious life, and others to the ordained life. Within the parishes we hear a lot about the vocations to the priesthood, but everyone is called to a vocation. Which one are you called to? One of the saddest things I heard was at another parish, I was talking to a young man (who had discussed the priesthood with me previously) and his parents about the vocation to the priesthood, the mother said “No, I want him to be happy.” So… I guess with that comment, I am not happy as a priest?!? Anyone who knows me, would know that I am a happy person for the most part. The priesthood is a wonderful life, is it easy? Not always, but it is a blessed and a joyful life. Am I ever going to get rich as a priest? Probably not, but I do live a financially comfortable life. Am I going to have lots of free time, no, but good luck with that as a parent as well! The priesthood can and is usually a very busy and active life. One thing that I also know, is that even though there is a lot going on and I am busy, I know that I will always have help in Christ who will guide all of us if we are willing to follow. When we talk about vocations, the priesthood is not the only religious life that people can be called to, the religious life of sisters and brothers is one that we do not see a lot of lately, with the shrinking number of religious in schools and hospitals. There is hope, there are some beautiful religious orders that are growing with young men and women, we are even blessed to have a young woman from our parish to have joined the Dominican order, as well as the sister of Fr. James to have also joined the same order. God is constantly working on us and guiding us, but we do need to be open to where He is calling us. The life that we are called to is not always easy, but in the end we will be happy with it. The key to our vocational life is to have an open heart and ask God to guide each of us to where He is leading us.

God bless,
Fr. Ken


St. Luke's is a young Catholic Church in Ankeny, Iowa. We're located at 1102 NW Weigel Drive.