Social Concerns Team

Purpose Statement of Social Concerns

To lead St. Luke’s parish in understanding the physical and material needs and the social injustices of our local, rural, and global community, and to encourage our parish members to engage in service of those needs, as we become the manifestation of Christ’s hands and feet to those we serve.

Tithe of the Tithe

Each month, St. Luke's tithes a percentage of the tithing to charities. Social Concerns determines where the tithing goes at their regular meetings. Click here to visit the “Tithe Of The Tithe” page.

Be a part of the Social Concerns Team

Social Concerns meets at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November for approximately 1½ hours. Please look in the bulletin for exact meeting dates. For more information please contact Nick Rahe.

See below for past activities.

2024 Team Activities 

  • Social teachings: “Call to Faith, Community and Participation “, Dignity of Work and Workers Rights” from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. 

  • Social teachings: Presentations by Catholic Charities members : Emily Klisares and Shalom Lule on rights and responsibility including a review of the seven principles of Catholic teachings by Dr. John Huyah from the Diocese of Des Moines and Catholic Charities. 

  • Rice Bowl participation during Lent with distribution of the rice bowls and collection of donations. 

  • The team supported food donations and meal service at the Catholic Worker House in Des Moines once monthly. 

  • The annual summer free lunch program for children of Ankeny was supported by participation from the committee. 

  • Volunteers from the committee helped Habitat for Humanity build homes in Des Moines and other volunteers helped serve lunch to workers. 

  • Angel Tree Christmas Gifts: Gift cards were sold at masses and distributed to children in needy families referred by the Ankeny Service Center, the Catholic Charities Emergency Family Shelter and Holy Family School. 

  • The winter clothing collection was organized by the Knights of Columbus with support from the Social Concerns committee members. 

  • Members of the Social Concerns committee organized and facilitated a Just Faith study entitled : Sacred Waters: Oceans and Ecosystems. Attendees were from St. Luke’s and OLIH. 

  • Meals from the Heartland meal packing project: This project was cancelled in 2024 as the management did not support having the younger school children participate. 


  • The Social Concerns Team begins each of its meeting with a study from USCCB's Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

  • Family Promise is held one week each quarter at OLIH; we assisted with one evening meal and fellowship each of those rotations.

  • Provided the meal at Catholic Worker House the 4th Saturday of each month.

  • Initiated a Lenten Project for the parish, the Catholic Relief Services/Rice Bowl.  Collected donations, provided information for on-line giving, and provided promotional materials at the church and provided weekly reminders in the bulletin and e-mails throughout Lent.

  • With the establishment of a Sister Parish Relationship with St. Martin de Porres in Ghana, Social Concerns committed to designating $1000 of the Tithe of the Tithe funds each month, beginning in March of 2023.

  • Commitment was made for $3,000 of Tithe of the Tithe funds to be paid to the Habitat for Humanity (Catholic Circle of Faith) in support of St. Luke's volunteers at one build site April-June.

  • Partnered with the Knights of Columbus to collect winter coats over two weekends in October.  Those were delivered to House of Mercy, Catholic Charities and Catholic Worker House.

  • Held a Meals From the Heartland packaging event in the Gym.  St. Luke's school students all participated during their school day; then parishioners of all ages worked the later shifts, including clean-up.  25,000 meals were packaged and Tithe of the Tithe funds were used to pay for all the supplies and ingredients. 

  • Parishioners bought gift cards from the "Angel Tree" over two weekends and all were then donated to families in need, in partnership with the Ankeny Service Center.


  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in each quarter of the year.

  • Catholic Worker House; meal provided and served the 4th Saturday of each month.

  • Initiated a Lenten Project – Catholic Relief Services / Rice Bowl. Collection boxes provided to families as well as information for on-line giving. Promotional materials on display in the narthex and weekly reminders in the bulletin and weekly e-mails throughout Lent.

  • The parish committed and participated in the Ankeny Love Lunches program for two weeks in July; our meal site was Sunset Park.  Participation included the planning, shopping and preparation and serving the lunches, so many volunteers were needed.

  • Habitat for Humanity Build has started this Fall and St. Luke parishioners have been asked to volunteer, via the bulletin and weekly-emails.

  • Winter Apparel Drive in October; items taken to Catholic Charities/Refugee Services, the Catholic Worker House and House of Mercy.

  • Held a Meals From the Heartland packaging event in the Gym. St. Luke's school students all participated during their school day; then parishioners of all ages worked the later shifts, including clean-up.  25,000 meals were packaged and Tithe of the Tithe funds were used to pay for all the supplies needed for those meals.

  • Parishioners bought gift cards from the "Angel Tree" over two weekends and all were then donated to families in need, in partnership with the Ankeny Service Center.


  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in each quarter of the year

  • Catholic Worker House; meal provided and served the 4th Saturday of each month

  • Initiated a service project to have families provide Easter cards for residents of four area senior living facilities

  • Participated with the St. Luke Family School Association in collecting school supplies for the Ankeny area Project Fresh Start

  • Held a Meals From the Heartland packaging event in the Gym.  All the school students participated during their school day, along with parishioners of all ages in the later shifts! 25,000 meals were packaged in one afternoon and the parish provided the funding for those meals

  • Winter Apparel Drive in October; items taken to Catholic Charities/Refugee Services and the Catholic Worker House

  • Angel Tree Advent Project in December; contributed to the Ankeny Service Center's program to provide gift cards for families in need to help with gifts and holiday meals

2020 Team Activities

  • Sponsored a Human Trafficking Awareness Seminar in January; Guest Speakers were Madison Kuhn of the "Set Me Free Project" and Sgt. Schneden, Lead of the Ankeny Policy Department's "Community Engagement Team"

  • Catholic Worker House; meal provided and served the 4th Saturday of each month

  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in each quarter of the year

  • Facilitation of an 8-week Just Faith Program: "Faith & Racial Equity" (July - Sep)

  • Winter Apparel Drive in October as part of the Oxtoberfest Giving Novena; items taken to House of Mercy and the Catholic Worker House

  • Blanket Collection in October; taken to the Catholic Worker House to be given to homeless persons

  • Angel Tree Advent Project in December; participated in the Ankeny Service Center's program to provide gifts and gift cards for families in need

  • Invitation to "Virtual Posadas" from December 16-24; a daily virtual experience of music, art, prayer, reflection and action as they journey with the Holy Family and migrants at the US-Mexico border in search of shelter and protection

2019 Team Activities

  • Catholic Worker House; meal provided and served the 4th Saturday of each month

  • Reverse collection in March for Catholic Charities’ Refugee Resettlement Program

  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in the months of March and November

  • Attended an AMOS seminar in March, re: dialogue about mental health

  • Meals From the Heartland Packing Events in April and October (20,000 meals at each event)

  • Habitat for Humanity Build; provided labor and meals in May and June

  • Mental Health Speaker from Catholic Charities, Harmony Linden, was a guest speaker in September

  • Collection of School Supplies in partnership with Ankeny’s Project Fresh Start

  • Winter Apparel Drive in November; items taken to Catholic Charities, House of Mercy, St. Joseph Emergency Shelter, and TAKE (the Ankeny Klothing Exchange)

  • Angel Tree Advent Project; participated in the Ankeny Service Center’s program to providing gifts for families in need

2018 Team Activities

  • Reverse collection for Catholic Charities’ Emergency Shelter

  • Meals from the Heartland; 22,000 meals packaged in March and 20,000 in November

  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in the months of March, July and October

  • Bread for the World letters prepared; advocating for the hungry

  • Habitat for Humanity Build; lunches provided for K of C volunteers working at the site

  • Collection of School Supplies in partnership with Ankeny’s Project Fresh Start

  • Collection for “Saturday Socks and Sunday Undies” program for neighboring school district

  • Communicated with Bridges Care Center to determine possible involvement with parishioners and their residents

  • Catholic Worker House; served meal in October and delivered cold weather clothing from its parish-wide drive

  • Angel Tree Advent Project; participated in the Ankeny Service Center’s program to providing gifts for families in need

2017 Team Activities

  • Center for Social Ministry Workshop, re: Human Trafficking

  • Meals From the Heartland Packing Events in February and October

  • Reverse Collection for the St. Joseph Emergency Family Shelter

  • Family Promise; assisted OLIH house homeless families in the program for a week in the months of March, June, August and December

  • Bread for the World letters; advocating for the hungry

  • Reverse Collection for needed items for the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program

  • Habitat for Humanity Build; provided labor and meals in June and August

  • Collection of School Supplies in partnership with Ankeny’s Project Fresh Start

  • Collection for “Saturday Socks and Sunday Undies” for neighboring school district

  • Catholic Worker House; reverse collection

  • Angel Tree Advent Project; participated in the Ankeny Service Center’s program to providing gifts for families in need