Our Sister-Parish
St. Martin de Porres Parish

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To view a collection of videos from St. Martin de Porres Parish and the Sister Parish relationship, click the button below.

Why have a Sister-Parish?

The teachings of the Catholic Church encourage the faithful to foster a sense of universal fraternity, especially towards those facing challenging circumstances. One of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching, Solidarity, calls for unity beyond any geographical, racial, economic, or ideological boundaries. This principle creates an impetus for a more advantaged parish like ours to extend its resources and support to a sister parish grappling with hardships in a disadvantaged area. The act of reaching out to a sister parish is a tangible embodiment of this principle, reflecting our shared responsibility to combat global inequalities.

Additionally, the principle of Option for the Poor and Vulnerable asks those with means to place the needs of the underprivileged at the forefront. Again, such a moral directive aligns well with our more advantaged parish to give efforts in assisting a sister parish needing this help. Beyond this, the concept of communion gains an enriched meaning. Communion, in the Catholic sense and at its core, calls for a profound sense of shared identity, active participation, and reciprocal exchange. By adopting a sister parish, a community not only brings the values of Solidarity and the Option for the Poor and Vulnerable to life, but it also deepens the sense of who we are as the body of Christ in communion with one another.

What is a Sister-Parish Relationship?

The main work of our Sister-Parish relationship with St. Martin de Porres is to provide spiritual and financial assistance to those in our Sister-Parish. Both St. Luke’s and St. Martin De Porres are encouraged to pray for one another, correspond regularly about happenings in each parish, and visit one another when possible. Through this relationship, we have the opportunity to impact the daily spiritual and physical aspects of thousands of peoples’ lives.

The Sister-Parish “program” is a very simple process. A committee is formed within both parishes to maintain cultural awareness, spiritual growth, and communication. Frequent communication with emails, letters, photos, and prayer intentions helps transform the relationship into a very real and personal friendship.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Then the righteous will answer him, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the King will say to them in reply, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:35-41.

Who is St. Martin de Porres Parish?

St. Martin de Porres Parish in Zuarungu, Ghana, was established and raised to the status of Parish in 2015. The Parish has seven Mission Parishes (called Outstations in Ghana) and two educational institutions whose spiritual and pastoral needs are catered for by the two priests appointed to the Parish.  St. Martin de Porres Parish is part of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese.  Click here to learn more about this Diocese.

Currently, three of St. Martin de Porres’ Mission Parishes do not have a church building and no decent place for worship. Two of the mission parishes have started building their churches and the third is just about to start. These Mission Parish Communities are Saints Peter and Paul Outstation, St. Monica Outstation, and St. Patrick Outstation.

St. Martin de Porres is also in the process of establishing the St. Michael Rehabilitation and Counseling Center to address increasing rates of alcohol and pornography addictions, as well as various psychological issues. St. Michael Rehabilitation and Counseling Center will be the first and only such Center within the Northern part of Ghana.

The two most exciting benchmarks in the life of the parish in recent times are the building and completion of a new 5,000 capacity Church (the major work left for the church is getting pews) and having the first ever Priestly Ordination in the Parish and in the new church.

Click here to view a more comprehensive list of the needs of St. Martin de Porres Parish and School.

The Parish Greeting goes: 

St. Martin de Porres;
Help us take care of the poor and needy.
St. Martin de Porres 
Pray for us.

To view the members of the St. Martin de Porres Sister Parish relationship, click here.

To learn more about St. Martin de Porres Parish and School, visit their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083815028863

For more information about Fr. Raphael Akurugu, who was affiliated with St. Martin de Porres in Zuarungu, Ghana, https://luminarypodcasts.com/listen/iowa-catholic-radio/man-up/fr-raphael-akurugu/c00279a4-e8b8-4081-a697-7f566e36e48f?country=US , listen to his interview with Joe Stopulos on the Man Up Show.