Mass Lectors

During the Mass, we are called to encounter Christ in both Scripture and Sacrament. The Liturgy of the Word affords us the opportunity to hear God’s word proclaimed from the sanctuary. Throughout salvation history, our Lord has employed multiple voices to communicate the truth. We acknowledge this reality by allowing the faithful to read from both the Old and New Testaments from the ambo during the Holy Mass. Lectors participate in Mass by also reading the mass intercessions.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes to sign in and prepare for Mass.

Please review our Dress Code for Mass.


  • Individual(s) must sign in for position before mass so Eucharistic Captains can see positions filled.

  • Be familiar with announcements and/or readings for the mass.

  • Must be 16 years of age or older and confirmed in the Catholic Church.

Please contact Mike Otis for more information, below.