Cross Bearer

The Cross Bearer represents our faith community in liturgical worship by carrying the cross as a reminder of Jesus’ passion, death, and triumph. Since ancient times the Church has used the Cross bearer, sometimes called a crucifer, in its celebrations to bear witness to and to remind the faithful with a powerful symbol of our redemption through Christ’s suffering. Traditionally, acolytes or altar servers performed this function. Lay ministers are now welcomed and needed for this ministry.

The Cross Bearer leads the Mass Procession into and from the church at assigned Masses. They should have the ability to walk slowly and carry a cross raised so that the bottom of the pole is just above the knees.

Please review our Dress Code for Mass.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes to sign in and prepare for Mass.


  • Cross Bearers must be registered members of St Luke the Evangelist Parish or approved by Father Ken.

  • Cross Bearers must be able to actively participate in Mass.

  • Cross Bearers must be 14 years of age or older.

Please contact Dana Bastian for more information, below.